
A New Hope

Looking back

I started my journey into photography when I was about 10 years old. My parents bought me a “Tudor” point and click film camera. So loaded up with some “Tudorcolour” we set off to York (Old York) for a day trip. Needless to say although I was thrilled to have my very own camera. When the prints came back from the high street developers I was less than enthused.

So, I did the olny thing I could. I tooled up. Got myself “The Young Photographers handbook“, which I still have today and started reading. Soon realising the limits of what I would be able to achieve with a point and click I am sure I felt a good deal of dissapointment. So a few years later, a new journey began and with it another new hope a Pratikca BMS. Of course this changed everything and led me to take the kind of images I had been dreaming about.

Red flower
Red flower

One of my all time favourite subjects; flowers. Although to be truthful I have more than one favourite when it comes to making images. So I don’t describe myself as a macro photographer, or possibly a nature photographer as that can also include another favourite subject of mine; people. More on that later.

Looking forward

So my new hope today is to build this into great portfolio site, showcasing the work and at times looking at steps and the learning in the present journey. I will also be looking back at good and bad images alike why they work and why they fail, for me at least. These two, the red and yellow flowers, were taken in the back garden of our childhood home when I was a teenager. They were my favourites back then and a good starting point for my new new hope.

Yellow flower
Yellow flower



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